Professional Healthcare Training
HITEP offers high quality training opportunities in Providence. Is entry-level training, you can always count on us to provide the healthcare training that you need to succeed. Review the programs below, or reach out if you have questions.
Nursing Assistant Training
Our Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) training program teaches hands-on skills that students will use every day to provide patients with exceptional health care. After practicing these skills in a lecture and lab setting, students will put them to use in the real world during a clinical practicum in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF).
As one of RI’s leading nursing assistant training facility, HITEP has pass rates above the state average. Our Program is an affordable training that prepares students for the NNAAP exam in as little time as possible. We ensure our students receive all the necessary theoretical and skills training to feel confident in passing their State exam.

Homemaker Training Program
This training designed for English language learners (ELL) and is taken in conjunction with our Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) training program. Trainees meet to review vocabulary, summarize the current unit of instruction, and complete activities to prepare them for class with the CNA instructor.
Upon completion, trainees will be prepared to provide homemaker/companion services..
Este entrenamiento está diseñado especificamente para estudiantes el cual su primer lenguaje es espanol para aprender el ingles basico (ELL, por su siglas en Ingles. y estaran preparados para continuar su educacion el cual es el programa de capacitación de asistente de enfermería certificado (CNA, por sus siglas en inglés). Los alumnos se reúnen para revisar el vocabulario medico, se brinda un resumen de el campo medico y sus deberes, se realizan actividades para prepararlos. Al finalizar, los aprendices estarán preparados para brindar servicios de Homemaker/Acompañante.

Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED Certification
Certificación de Primeros Auxilios/RCP /DEA para Adultos y Pediátricos
Whether you need to learn new skills , refresh your knowledge, or renew your certification, our First Aid/CPR/AED training will prepare you for any emergency situation you may encounter. Taking this class will teach you how to recognize an emergency, look for life threatening conditions, and how to provide care for victims until advance medical assistance arrives on the scene!
Ya sea que necesite aprender nuevas habilidades, refrescar sus conocimientos o renovar su certificación, nuestra capacitación en Primeros Auxilios/RCP/DEA lo preparará para cualquier situación de emergencia que pueda encontrar. ¡Tomar esta clase le enseñará cómo reconocer una emergencia, buscar condiciones que amenazan la vida y cómo brindar atención a las víctimas hasta que llegue la asistencia médica avanzada!